Housing is not merely a functional need for shelter. In the current political system, the housing sector has become organized based on a hierarchy reflecting social class and sectarian affiliations. This has led to the marginalization of some towns and cities, and subsequently to an increase in population density in certain regions. In addition, 65% of foreign remittances were invested in real estate speculations, contributing to the decline of other productive sectors and to the increase in prices of land and rent. This urban strategy transformed highways into commercial boulevards, destroyed buildings and heritage sites, and led to the multiplication of ghost towns in the absence of any official population census. The situation calls for a decisive intervention at the level of fiscal and urban planning policies. Putting a stop to evictions is priority, followed by a revision of contracts and loan payment schedules in order to rationalize real estate prices and avoid systemic bankruptcy of real estate developers and construction companies. Accurate fiscal and tax policies are also needed to ensure compatibility of rent with the situation of both owners and tenants.