Prisoners of their roles with their sub-group

The sectarian taïfas leaders are neither absolutely evil nor are they angels, they are just prisoners of their roles especially within their sub-group, who are citizens who consider their relationship with the state should be mediated by the sectarian taïfa group. These leaders depend on vertically divided entities that include in their ranks all segments of society, with contradictory interests.  Therefore, it is impossible for any leader, regardless of his career and his professional and political experience, to take any public interest decision, any decision that may cause a rift within his sectarian taïfa between the beneficiary of the decision and those penalized. From here, we see that the leader is seeking two goals: 1) satisfying all segments of his sectarian taïfa, thus avoiding taking any decision, in addition to 2) establishing a sense of reassurance for them, i.e. spreading a firm feeling that he is able to defend their interests from the other side and getting them as much available resources as possible.