Entries by Abdel Turkmani

Early elections

Early parliamentary elections will not provide the desired transition during this stage. Elections are based on distributing seats between majority and minority, but within the same system that we have been living under for decades. The focus of a real opposition must be on transitioning from this form of power to another – one based […]

What is a Civil State?

The essence of the civil state is to deal with its citizens without any mediation. Mediation in our region of the world differs between military mediation, national and ethnic mediation, or sectarian mediation, as in Lebanon. Sectarianism is nothing but a societal formation that historical paths may create, crystallize, and eliminate. Its formation and development […]

The necessity of separating a nation’s interior from its exterior

Our proposal pertaining to the separation between the nation inside and outside revolves around the government establishing serious relations with the outside as an outsider. Especially in a small country, the transition that the crisis imposes on those who want to overcome its effects and causes requires establishing steady economic relations with countries that are […]

The State is a need

Establishing a State is a priority that is justified by the current local, regional, and international juncture at this point in history. Now and here, a State is a functional necessity to preserve our society. It is acknowledged that a State is a mere circumstantial and situational arrangement, which can take different forms that vary […]

A decisive contribution rather than reforms

The term “reforms” insinuates that there is a regime that was put in place to serve the general interest, that was able, at certain times, to prove its capability of achieving its purpose, thus demonstrating its success. Today, this regime is no longer capable of successfully performing its duty, which makes it unable to achieve […]

Change is unavoidable and our goal is to guide it

The régime, which was established during the civil war and operated from the nineties to the present day, vitally depends on the influx of enough foreign currencies i.e. US dollars. These reserves, accumulated over the years, are running out. Conditions for a sufficient and sustainable influx of more dollars are no longer available. This means […]

Prisoners of their roles with their sub-group

The sectarian taïfas leaders are neither absolutely evil nor are they angels, they are just prisoners of their roles especially within their sub-group, who are citizens who consider their relationship with the state should be mediated by the sectarian taïfa group. These leaders depend on vertically divided entities that include in their ranks all segments […]

Prisoners of their mutual roles

There is no state in Lebanon, there is a coalition of sectarian taïfa leaders ruling the country. Each sectarian taïfa leader legitimates the other and each one has the veto power and the ability to paralyze the government and the decision-making process at the state level. None of the sectarian taïfa leaders is interested in […]

A functional impotence

During the civil war, sectarian taïfas parties established a system of quotas whereby each party that controlled a separate geographical area took over parts of state institutions. This privilege, considered as a spoil of war, became a symbol for the sectarian taïfa leaders, founding their societal relationships. Retaining those spoils became a priority for them […]

What of “All of Them Means All of Them”?

This slogan was coined during the popular uprising of 17 October 2019. It expressed protest over socio economic deterioration, and anger towards the whole ruling class (All of Them). While this liberated public discourse from the fake opposition between “March, 8 coalition” and “March, 14 coalition”, claiming that they were partners in crime, it reflected […]