Entries by نجيب حمادة

The Good Tidings of Assigning Mikati

Rather than witnessing political accountability for the lost months, the hideous and destructive financial policies, and the wasted money in the quota bazaars in forming the government,
Rather than witnessing judicial accountability for the crime of bombing the port,
We witness that the leaders are not satisfied with inventing tricks in order not to lift the formal immunities to protect their proponents from any accountability. By heading into nominating Najib Mikati to form a new government, they, somewhat, are inviting us to a new chapter of the continuing crime against the lives and funds of the whole community.

August 4 is a day of remembrance and all days are days of struggle

Because the families of the victims are the first to be stricken by this tragedy that has affected the entire society, on August 4, 2021, as Citizens in a State movement, we will be by their side to comfort their sorrows and support their actions to lift immunities, all immunities, starting with political and security immunities and not stopping at religious ones, whose objective is to cover past crimes and future tragedies for more blood and tears.

There can be no immunity for an incompetent and illegitimate authority

Today, we declare our solidarity with the victims’ families and our participation in their actions to put pressure on this inept, criminal, and fragile authority. No justice can be served as long as this authority exists. We promise them that we will continue to politically confront the current illegitimate authority, in order to transform the accumulated misfortunes of our society into sacrifices. Sacrifices that build a State which derives its legitimacy from the adoption of civil, social, and legal rights of citizens, thus ensuring them a dignified life. This will transform the crime of the fourth of August from a tragedy into a founding event in the construction of a new Lebanon.

The union uprising

We call on all engineers, across the entire political and confessional spectrum, and union members in general, to act in wisdom and courage in this delicate and historic moment. After celebrating this electoral victory, we call on them to join us in our political struggle, which aims to impose a transitional government that would stop the collapse and build the foundations of a civil state.